
The links given below are my life’s power-ups.

I call these links “Juice” because every time I read/watch them, my energy goes through the roof. I also document & share the best ones in my weekly newsletter. Subscribe & get 100+ quotes as an onboarding gift

Links below are the collection of my most-loved books, blogs, videos, and podcasts. I’ve spent years watching and learning from them and I’m super happy to share them with you. Stop searching & Start Learning. PEACE ❤️ 


Without books, I wouldn’t be what I am today.” ~ Prado

I don’t recommend books but here are a few books that I gifted the most (in no particular order):-  

Tools of Titans – Tim Ferriss
How to win friends and influence people – Dale Carnegie
Shoe dog– Phil knight 
Siddhartha – Hermann Hesse
The power of habit – Charles Duhigg 
Barking up the wrong tree – Eric barker 
Think like a freak – Steven D Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner
Sam Walton: Made in america – Sam walton
Vagabonding – Rolf potts 
When breath becomes air – Paul kalanithi
Milk and honey – Rupi kaur  
Animal farm – George Orwell
Moonwalking with einstein: The art and science of remembering everything – Joshua Foer
Mastery – Robert Greene 
Leonardo da Vinci – Walter Isaacson
Steal like an artist |Show your work | Keep going Austin Kleon
Tuesdays with Morrie – Mitch Albom

10 Books I’ll re-read in 2021

Ideas & Thoughts

1000 true fans First read about this in Tim Ferriss’s Tools of titans
Ruthless Prioritisation – 2 Words career advice by Sheryl Sandberg
10-10-1010 Minutes, 10 Months & 10 Years
The Super Mario Effect Treat your life’s challenges as video games, trick your brain, and learn more.
Why Cryonics makes sense Imagine being brought back from death in the future. I also like this one The Tail End. I love how Tim urban’s curiosity

Personal Finance

P F Basics – It doesn’t get easier than this

Personal Health

12 Signs of Low Testosterone Low Testosterone is the last thing you want right now.
Mental Wealth Call “Mental Wealth” rather than mental health.
Stop Eating Instant Noodles There’s nothing in them worth eating.


Naval Ravikant He’s the best. 
JRE #1480 Kevin Hart Okay I heard this because I wanted to know KH story (Especially after the accident)
HRB IdeaCast – How Jeff Bezos built one of the most valuable companies 

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Every Friday, I share interesting things & stories from non-fiction books, the internet & life.


Power of Pentatonic Scale What a way to interact with the audience.
Bobby McFerrin Live Improvisation at Kennedy Center
Pause A Playlist I created to Pause our fast lives.


Why India should buy bitcoin Interesting read. 
The Story of Dogecoin ~ From a meme to 6.5 Billion Market Cap


Eisenhower Matrix One of the best ways to figure out the To-do list.
How to take Digital notes (Notion + Roam) ~ I created this video

Stand-up comedy

Kevin Hart Crazy Woman I love Kevin hart man.
The Gift Basket The Racist gift basket
Russell Peters He does those accents right.


The Quiet Place Pause
Gapminder Take the test fam ❤️ 
Internet Archive Go check out google’s website in 1999
Drive & Listen – From around the world 
Bullshit Generator  – Use it before a meeting haha 😂


A History of Human Spaceflight Best space pictures
100 Little ideas They are not really little tbh.
Science vs Religion Neil deGrasse Tyson gives his perspective
68 Bits of Unsolicited advice Kevin Kelly wrote this on his 68th birthday.

I will be adding more links in the future and If you want them in your inbox I’d love to send you my weekly newsletter, trust me you don’t want to miss on this.