Video Projects:
I’ve been helping in telling stories on video format for over 5 years now. On this page you’ll find all the videos I scripted, managed, directed, shot, & edited. I’ve worked with International organisations as well as start-ups & professionals.

Few Companies I've worked with:

Must watch Projects
Robbie Crabtree's Performative Speaking Cohort 1
Robbie is my first client from Twitter and I always wanted to work with like-minded people.
National Leadership Development Summit 2020 Conference video.
This was my last conference for AIESEC in India. I was the showcasing head and created this video before the conference ended and showed to the whole plenary on the last day evening.
Women's day | Moti Jewel Palace
Women’s day special.
Documentation of all the projects.
AIESEC in India
From being a member to AIESEC becoming a client, it has given me a lot.
Total number of conferences showcased* (National) : 5
Total number of conferences showcased* (International) : 2
List of all the work done by me:
- National Leadership Developement Summit – 2020
- National Leadership Summit 2019: Election | Conference | Girls like me (Music Video)
- National Leadership Development Summit 2019: Conference
- March National Conference 2019 : Conference
- July National Conference 2019 : I just headed the team.
- National Leadership Development Summit 2020 : Conference
AIESEC Hub Project:
I shoot and edited over 40 videos which were used to educate the members of the organisation.
Sample Video 1 | Sample Video 2
*- Document the conference, shoot videos, click pictures & edit a conference video before the conference ends.
Life Redesigned
Karfei came as a guest to GOAT Book Club and I shared if he needs anything digital I’m his man. I got a deal of 12 sets of videos and a personal website creation project.
Here are the sample video 1 & IGTV video
Moti Jewel Palace
Campus Student Communities
I closed the biggest project of my life of over 300 videos.
Created the above video and started the planning, then COVID-19 happened. We had to drop the plan.
Mobile App Launch: Click here
International Congress Conference
International Congress is an annual conference of AIESEC International with participants from over 120 countries.
I was privileged enough to get the opportunity to create the Opening video of IC 2019 & Mega Launch video of IC 2020. I was also in the showcasing team for both the conference.
International Congress 2019 : Opening Video
International Congress 2019 : Day 6 (Edited by me)
International Congress 2020 : Mega launch